Mcommerce.Network Terms of Use


These Terms of Use (the “Terms”) constitute a binding agreement between you, the user, and Inc., henceforth referred to as “Mcommerce.Network”. These terms outline the conditions and guidelines for the use of our website (, all our affiliated websites, our products, services, and applications (collectively termed “Services”).


  • User: Refers to anyone accessing, browsing, or using the Services.
  • Payment Account: Designates any established source, such as a bank, credit, or debit card account, from which funds can be transferred to the Mcommerce.Network Wallet. This account must solely be under your name and recognized by a financial institution in your jurisdiction.
  • Mcommerce.Network Wallet: A dedicated, non-interest-bearing digital wallet we maintain on your behalf to facilitate transfers to designated Recipients.
  • Application (or app): The digital tool or platform offered by Mcommerce.Network for facilitating financial transactions and related services.
  • Recipient: The designated individual or entity you intend to transfer funds to using our Services.
  • Remittance: A financial transfer that you initiate, and authorize Mcommerce.Network to process via our Application.

Acceptance of Terms

By choosing to access or use the Services, you confirm your agreement to be bound by these Terms and our accompanying Privacy Policy. Non-agreement with any part of these terms warrants cessation of use of our Services.

Service Provision and Limitations

Mcommerce.Network commits to delivering its Services using due diligence and industry-standard care. Users must only use the Application to transact with Recipients in regions where Mcommerce.Network services are licensed and operational. The funds will be available for the Recipient post verification and processing.

To ensure the security and integrity of our platform, we may occasionally restrict access for maintenance or updates. Exigencies like natural calamities, technical snafus, or geopolitical events may also disrupt Service availability.

Account Setup and Usage

To benefit from Mcommerce.Network’s suite of services, users must:

  1. Successfully register on our platform.
  2. Undertake and complete requisite verification steps such as confirming email addresses, phone numbers, and other identity checks.
  3. Ensure they reside in a country sanctioned by Mcommerce.Network and have a valid Payment Account therein.

Once registration is complete, users can fund their Wallet, determine the transfer amount, pick a Recipient, and initiate the transfer.

Users are expressly prohibited from using our Services for illicit activities, including but not limited to, money laundering, fraud, or any actions that breach national or international laws.

Account Security:

On registration, users will be prompted to create a unique identifier and a strong password. For enhanced security, we recommend frequent updates of the password. Users are responsible for all activities that occur under their account and are obliged to inform Mcommerce.Network of any unauthorized access.

Accuracy of Information:

All personal and financial details furnished to Mcommerce.Network should be current, accurate, and complete. Any change, especially to payment details, must be relayed to us at the earliest to prevent transactional errors. False or misleading information can lead to account suspension or termination.

Identity Verification:

To safeguard all stakeholders, Mcommerce.Network may collaborate with third-party agencies to verify user credentials and financial details. This is in line with our commitment to uphold the highest standards of financial integrity and to comply with global anti-fraud standards.